The posÂiÂtive side of a SagitÂtarÂius personality
The posÂiÂtive side of a typÂiÂcal SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity conÂsists in his/her honÂesty and tolÂerÂance of othÂers. When dealÂing with other peoÂple, SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity is usuÂally open and forthÂright. Their proÂfile is charÂacÂterÂized by traits like intelÂliÂgence, love for sports and advenÂture. This native is not selfÂish or proud. If someÂone proÂposes a plan that is betÂter than his/hers, he/she will immeÂdiÂately adopt it. A typÂiÂcal SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity is a forÂgivÂing perÂson, and never sulks over someÂthing that has not worked out in his/her favor. PeoÂple born under the Archer astroÂlogÂiÂcal Sign are selÂdom critÂiÂcal, and they’re almost always genÂerÂous. Most of them have a desire to help humanÂity in some way.
Some other posÂiÂtive charÂacÂterÂisÂtics of SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity are preÂsented below. TypÂiÂcal SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂiÂties are extroÂverted, cheerÂful and optiÂmistic. They believe that things will turn out well, and they trust much to luck. SagitÂtarÂius men and women usuÂally rebound quickly from depresÂsion and illÂness. Fun lovÂing, and always high-spirited, SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂiÂties add a wonÂderÂful dose of posÂiÂtive energy to any enviÂronÂment. Their natÂural powÂers of perÂcepÂtion, comÂbined with their upliftÂing energy make them excelÂlent conÂverÂsaÂtionÂalÂists. Often gifted with an amazÂing sense of humor, the typÂiÂcal SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity can make almost anyÂone smile.
SagitÂtarÂius male and female love to travel. They like to meet peoÂple in forÂeign lands and learn forÂeign lanÂguages. Another charÂacÂterÂisÂtic of SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity is that he/she will not folÂlow the rules if he/she doesn’t believe that the rules are right and just. They have the courage to speak up for their conÂvicÂtions and fight for what they believe in, which can lead to clashes at times. TypÂiÂcal SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂiÂties are also very physÂiÂcal and have trouÂble with stayÂing put in an office chair for hours. They have a conÂstant need for moveÂment and novelty.
The negÂaÂtive side of a SagitÂtarÂius personality
The negÂaÂtive side of a typÂiÂcal SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity emerges when this native can’t conÂtrol his/her traits such as love for gamÂbling and lack of tact. They hurt othÂers by being honÂest at the wrong time. SomeÂtimes SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity makes promises that he/she doesn’t keep. The negÂaÂtive traits of the SagitÂtarÂius perÂsonÂalÂity can also come out when he/she doesn’t stick close enough to his/her plans and goes from one failÂure to another. This native can be undisÂciÂplined and can waste a lot of energy.
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