When Capricorns choose someone to accompany you for the rest of your life, they are also ready to work hard at that relationship in order to make it work. The relationship means more to them than an instrument for raising a family, and having company in good and bad times. They attach a feeling of pride and accomplishment to success in marriage just as much as they do in case of professional success. That’s why they keep looking back throughout their life at the moments that defined their relationship and the milestones that you crossed in your journey together – they are more like prizes for you.
But when it comes to Capricorns, whether male or female, there is something called being too dedicated to one’s family. You are definitely determined to do all it takes to provide your family with everything they need and want, and you are also dedicated and up to the task with your tasks as such. Thus you might overexert yourself. For example, if a Capricorn mother is through with the first few years after childbirth, she might plunge into work straight away to make more money for the family. But in doing so, because of the workload and stress, if she has a breakdown, then the family will lose a lot. Such things may have a very permanent affect on the children and the marriage, when the sole objective to start with was the betterment of the children and the marriage. Patience, Energy and Love are more important to the relationship than money.
Capricorns happen to be disciplinarians, and thus excellent parent material. Now don’t get cocky, I said parent material not parents. They always tend to overdo things, and judge their children’s abilities against standards that are too high for them. Children thrive on encouragement, and instead of giving that, they may end up criticizing them and make condescending remarks. It will do these parents a whole lot of good if they took time to go and watch their child’s play, their boy’s ball-game, or their girl’s choir song and actually try to appreciate it. Believe me, you have made excellent choices in life, so that your children and wife will truly reflect and fulfil your demand for real quality.
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