The compatibility of Aries and Aquarius is all set to invoke certain traces of interest and curiosity right in the first meeting of natives of these signs. There is going to be a raring compatibility between Aries and Aquarius at a social level. Although Aquarius is going to exude unruffled and unfriendly vibes but this going to further arouses the interest of Aries. Notwithstanding this, the duo will also have bounty of pleasurable times together.
The egoistic and self seeking Aries will be seen by Scorpion as self absorbing. Aquarius on the other hand is more apprehensive with compassionate and emphatic issues prevalent in life. Aries, if wants to bring alteration in his attitude, can definitely get learnt from Aquarius. Aquarius will help Aries explore his or her deep inner self with great ease. The combination of Aries and Aquarius will have a strong inclination towards divine aspect of life. There will also be great undertones of mind-reading between them. Aries and Aquarius will also enjoy discovering ethereal energies of life.
Is this aries and Aquarius or aries and Scorpio