Cardinal Water (Cancer) and Fixed Water (Scorpio) Cancer and Scorpio are both seeking emotional safe harbors in the turbulent sea of life. But each has a significant journey to take, on the road to tr...
Compatibility of Libra and Aquarius is full of warmth and zeal. Aquarius is going to be stimulated by the charming and dynamic personality of a ...
A friendship between a Leo and a Sagittarius could lead to a stunning, fiery, dynamic relationship. Both star signs enjoy life to the fullest, a...
Highly imaginative and creative, a Pisces child lives in the world of fantasy. It is generally noted that the kids born under this zodiac sign h...
A relationship between two Virgo is a pleasant and harmonious relationship. The combination of two hard working and logical minded spirits forms...
Strengths Weaknesses Compassionate Stubborn Dependable Sensitive Loyal and reliable Aggressive Strong – physically as well as emotionally ...