Cardinal Water (Cancer) and Fixed Water (Scorpio) Cancer and Scorpio are both seeking emotional safe harbors in the turbulent sea of life. But each has a significant journey to take, on the road to tr...
Things have got to be really messed up in order that you may panic and want to find escape from a marriage; because that’s how good you really...
Since my earliest remembrances of Astrology and well before that because this has been around for at least two thousand years and I haven’t, A...
A friendship between a Virgo and a Capricorn is a practical and sagacious combination of two people with similar character. Virgo and Capricorn ...
A friendship between two Libra is characterized by amiability, equilibrium, and harmony. Libra love peace and concord, and this is reflected in ...
A friendship between a Taurus and a Sagittarius is one where both friends need to take time to know the other intimately. Both friends could lea...