From her smile to the sensual look in her eyes, Taurus woman is an excellent mistress of love. However, she is not promiscuous. All she needs is stability and security; Taurus female is not interested in short love relationships.
When Taurus woman is engaged in a love affair she is the perfect personification of the old-fashioned woman, for she is devoted and protective, a natural earth mother who loves and gives of her strength. Taurus woman as lover is earthy in her passions. In relationships, Taurus female is not shy at all, but rather affectionate and honest with her lover. Taurus women have a great appetite for life and they enjoy making love. Their first sexual experience is likely to be with an older man who teaches them the pleasure and the taste of fine wines and food. Taurus female is a passionate partner and believes in giving her all to the man she loves. When it comes to love relationships, she demands a lot in return.
Taurus woman has a secure sense of her own judgment and she trusts her instincts. She likes to be courted and pursued. She plans ahead and every attention will be given to detail while she sets the stage carefully. When it comes to love affairs, Taurus female is romantic, sexy, artistic, yet with taste and elegance. You will never forget her.
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