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  • Love Match For Scorpio and Sagittarius

    Jan 30 2024478 Dilihat

    You’d think they’d get along, being neighbors on the Zodiac and all. And they do, when at pleasing degrees, or when other planets have harmonious synastry. But these two go about Love very differently, and there are red flags to watch for at every turn. Sagittarius is the eternal optimist, and can dive into romance just for the thrill of it. Just as its namesake, Scorpio encircles a potential lover-enemy with weapons raised. There’s a dangerous allure about Scorpio, while Sadge meets the world with a disarming smile. Scorpio’s trust has to be earned, while Sagittarius is easy pickin’s. The freedom-loving Sadge has an ‘easy come, easy go’ motto. If Scorpio is treated carelessly, Sadge will soon get the legendary looks that kill.

    Sagittarius finds Scorpio’s palpable sexuality intriguing, seeing it as a promise of something vigorous to come. The Archer wins Scorpio’s interest by being forthright, and without a hidden agenda. Scorpio finds that with Sadge, “what you see is what you get,” and that helps with the trust issue. What drives Scorpio mad, is knowing that the happy-go-lucky flirting is done widely and freely, and part of the Sadge joie de vivre. Scorpio wants to feel deeply intertwined in love, and with Sadge, that can be an elusive dream.

    Scorpio starts to wonder when the love will deepen. Usually cheery Sadge notices that Scorpio has started brooding, but isn’t sure why. Scorpio holds back its heart, unless there’s a sense of increasing intimacy toward the soul-merging it craves. Sadge on the other hand, can commit, but likes to maintain the atmosphere of openness in any relationship. To sensitive Scorpio, that feels like the safety hatch is flung wide, opening them psychically to who knows what. That’s not going to change, each being made of different stuff, creating a built-in challenge at the heart of the relationship.

    As romantic allies, Scorpio takes Sadge into emotional zones they might not otherwise wade through. The active Archer draws out the spontaneity in Scorpio, and leads them into all kinds of Be-Here-Now adventures. Sadge lends perspective, when Scorpio goes off the deep end into extreme moods. And Scorpio adds imaginative nuance to the Sadge style, at times a blunt instrument. Like any match, there is potential, and there are pitfalls. If they accept their differences, and stop trying to change the other, they start to build an underlying trust. It’s gotta be a House of Love strong enough to hold Scorpio, but with enough open places for the Archer to feel free to roam.

    Pros and Cons of Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility

    Pros of the Sagittarius Scorpio Relationship:
    Scorpio is honest sign and Sagittarius is straightforward with everything that it believes in, which is why, there is unabridged communication between the two of them. They do not shy away from speaking the absolute truth when it comes to their conversations and thus, have the chance to communicate freely in the relationship at all times. This helps them a great deal, as they know they can fall back on a real discussion with each other in case of any difficulties or misunderstandings between Scorpio and Sagittarius.

    They will excite each other due to their divergent qualities and are likely to bring a sense of thrill to their relationship by just spending time with each other. There won’t be a single mundane moment in the relationship.

    Cons of the Sagittarius Scorpio Relationship:
    The Scorpion’s refusal to open up fully even after a considerable amount of time can frustrate the Sagittarian, who is all about complete expression of emotions and feelings. The stubborn behaviour of the Sagittarian can agitate Scorpio at times, as the latter believes that the former is incapable of accepting any wrongdoing from his/her side.

    Their way of thinking is very different, which will lead to frequent clashes between the two and will cause serious problems in their relationship going forward. They are both extremely inflexible when it comes to their opinions and beliefs, and can thus infuriate each other with every disagreement that they tend to have in thelove compatibility.

    This is an intense and exciting relationship between two very talented and intellectual individuals. If they can find that one thing that makes them tick and move beyond an argument, there is nothing that can stop them from conquering the world – together!

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